a bottle of milk 一瓶牛奶
He drank a whole bottle of wine.他喝了整整一瓶酒。
He handed me a bottle of beer.他递给我一瓶啤酒。
a glass of water 一杯水
He drank three whole glasses.他喝了满满三杯。
a glass of wine一杯酒。
a jug of water 一壶水
She spilled a jug of water.她把一罐子水弄洒了。
a cup of tea 一杯茶
She drank the whole cup.她把那一杯全喝下去了。
Would you like a cup of tea?你想喝杯茶吗?
a packet of tea 一盒茶
a packet of
a packet of instant cocoa mix一袋殽杂速溶可可粉
a packet of crisps 一包炸薯片
a jar of honey 一罐蜂蜜
a jar of coffee一罐咖啡
a jar of marmalade 一瓶橘子酱
a loaf of bread 一块面包
Ok and how much is a loaf of bread?
Two white loaves, please.请给我两条白面包。
a sliced loaf一条切不全面包
a slice of bread 一不全面包
a slice of bread/pie一不全面包/饼
a slice of toast/pizza一片吐司/比萨饼
Another slice of cake, anyone?谁想再要一片蛋糕?
a carton of milk
a milk carton/a carton of milk牛奶盒;一盒牛奶
a carton of fruit juice/ice cream一箱果汁/冰淇淋
a can of Coke 一听可乐
a can of beans/beer/soda一罐豆/啤酒/苏打水
a beer can啤酒罐
He opened the can and took a large swig.他掀开罐头,大口喝了一口。
an aluminium/tin can铝/锡罐
a bottle of Coke 一瓶可乐
Let’s crack open a bottle of champagne to celebrate.
a bowl of sugar 一碗糖
a salad/fruit/sugar bowl 沙拉碗;水果盆;糖钵
a washing-up bowl 洗碗碟盆
I refilled the dog's water bowl.我给狗的水碗重新加满了水。
Sieve the flour into a bowl.把面粉筛到碗里。
a kilo of meat 一公斤肉
I've lost a kilo in a month haven't I Robert… I mean-?
我一个月减了一公斤,对吧,罗伯特… … 我是说——?
a bar of chocolate/soap 一条巧克力/肥皂
a chocolate bar一条巧克力
a candy bar一条巧克力
a bar of chocolate
a piece of chocolate 一块巧克力
a piece of cheese 一块奶酪
a piece of cake一块蛋糕
a piece of cheese/meat/bread一块奶酪/肉/面包
a piece of furniture 一件家具
a piece of equipment/furniture一件装备/家具
a piece of clothing/luggage一件衣服/行李
a piece of machinery一部机器
a 28-piece dinner service一套 28 件的餐具